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Monday, July 21, 2008

Shut it and do the work!

I was losing myself this morning, no matter what, i shouldn't yell at my mate. Meanwhile i screw up my running projects, this six months was tough, very tough. Perhaps i 'm losing my bounse, a lots of bounse.

i heard a lots of things about the working, and the jobs, mostly, management is what i lacked, i don't know how but, communication is what i hate for sure, in this case, what can i do about it?

it's all about management and i hate communication.


Anonymous said...

一般地球人會比較難理解你這隻害羞的火星人....嗯 去請個地球人翻譯吧

還有 把這篇翻成地球話.......(拖走)

Unknown said...

